电影続悪徳医 女医篇

続悪徳医 女医篇

Madame O Vicious Doctor Part 2


  • 片名:続悪徳医 女医篇
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:左京未知子/神原明彦/谷ナオミ/
  • 导演:福田晴一/
  • 年份:1967
  • 地区:日本
  • 类型:剧情/情色/伦理/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:1967-05-23
  • 语言:日语
  • 更新:2023-07-05 18:42
  • 简介:1)Sex, violence, and surgery make for a heady mix in this lurid Japanese shocker concerning a respected female doctor who uses her charms to seduce a series of unsuspecting men and then obtain bloody revenge for the abuse she suffered as a teenager. When she settles down with the man of her dreams and thinks her life has turned a corner, she soon discovers her dark journey has only begun. Michiko Aoyama, Akihiko Kanbara star. 81 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack English (dubbed) Dolby Digital mono; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.  2)This brutal Japanese rape-revenge from the late '60s tells the story of a lady doctor who was stripped topless and sexually assaulted on a beach by three men, an attack (shown in shocking detail) which left her pregnant and infected with syphilis. Now older and successful, she prowls the streets, seducing men to take them home and have sex with them before using her doctor skills to brutally murder them to bits. After getting married, she begins to suspect her husband of some sort of betrayal. Will she have to add him to her long list of dismembered victims Probably.  With a surprising amount of nudity and gore for an early Japanese sexploitation, this savage classic, originally presented by Radley Metzger, is sure to shock the senses.
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片名:続悪徳医 女医篇

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更新时间:2023-07-05 18:42


《続悪徳医 女医篇》讲述的是什么故事?


1)Sex, violence, and surgery make for a heady mix in this lurid Japanese shocker concerning a respected female doctor who uses her charms to seduce a series of unsuspecting men and then obtain bloody revenge for the abuse she suffered as a teenager. When she settles down with the man of her dreams and thinks her life has turned a corner, she soon discovers her dark journey has only begun. Michiko Aoyama, Akihiko Kanbara star. 81 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack English (dubbed) Dolby Digital mono; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.  2)This brutal Japanese rape-revenge from the late '60s tells the story of a lady doctor who was stripped topless and sexually assaulted on a beach by three men, an attack (shown in shocking detail) which left her pregnant and infected with syphilis. Now older and successful, she prowls the streets, seducing men to take them home and have sex with them before using her doctor skills to brutally murder them to bits. After getting married, she begins to suspect her husband of some sort of betrayal. Will she have to add him to her long list of dismembered victims Probably.  With a surprising amount of nudity and gore for an early Japanese sexploitation, this savage classic, originally presented by Radley Metzger, is sure to shock the senses.

《続悪徳医 女医篇》是哪一年上映的?

《続悪徳医 女医篇》是福田晴一于1967拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国其他片当代电影的先河,《続悪徳医 女医篇》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时左京未知子,神原明彦,谷ナオミ均为最佳主角,左京未知子,神原明彦,谷ナオミ以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国其他片影坛地位。左京未知子,神原明彦,谷ナオミ饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。福田晴一之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《続悪徳医 女医篇》却奠定福田晴一电影风格。《続悪徳医 女医篇》首映时曾获海外其他片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀其他片齐名。

被称为其他片的开先河之作的《続悪徳医 女医篇》,是福田晴一最好的作品吗?

《続悪徳医 女医篇》是根据一个真实故事改编的,那《続悪徳医 女医篇》故事的大致内容是怎样的??

1)Sex, violence, and surgery make for a heady mix in this lurid Japanese shocker concerning a respected female doctor who uses her charms to seduce a series of unsuspecting men and then obtain bloody revenge for the abuse she suffered as a teenager. When she settles down with the man of her dreams and thinks her life has turned a corner, she soon discovers her dark journey has only begun. Michiko Aoyama, Akihiko Kanbara star. 81 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack English (dubbed) Dolby Digital mono; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.  2)This brutal Japanese rape-revenge from the late '60s tells the story of a lady doctor who was stripped topless and sexually assaulted on a beach by three men, an attack (shown in shocking detail) which left her pregnant and infected with syphilis. Now older and successful, she prowls the streets, seducing men to take them home and have sex with them before using her doctor skills to brutally murder them to bits. After getting married, she begins to suspect her husband of some sort of betrayal. Will she have to add him to her long list of dismembered victims Probably.  With a surprising amount of nudity and gore for an early Japanese sexploitation, this savage classic, originally presented by Radley Metzger, is sure to shock the senses.

《続悪徳医 女医篇》电影的主要内容

《続悪徳医 女医篇》是一部其他片电影,由导演:福田晴一执导,主演:左京未知子,神原明彦,谷ナオミ,

1)Sex, violence, and surgery make for a heady mix in this lurid Japanese shocker concerning a respected female doctor who uses her charms to seduce a series of unsuspecting men and then obtain bloody revenge for the abuse she suffered as a teenager. When she settles down with the man of her dreams and thinks her life has turned a corner, she soon discovers her dark journey has only begun. Michiko Aoyama, Akihiko Kanbara star. 81 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack English (dubbed) Dolby Digital mono; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.  2)This brutal Japanese rape-revenge from the late '60s tells the story of a lady doctor who was stripped topless and sexually assaulted on a beach by three men, an attack (shown in shocking detail) which left her pregnant and infected with syphilis. Now older and successful, she prowls the streets, seducing men to take them home and have sex with them before using her doctor skills to brutally murder them to bits. After getting married, she begins to suspect her husband of some sort of betrayal. Will she have to add him to her long list of dismembered victims Probably.  With a surprising amount of nudity and gore for an early Japanese sexploitation, this savage classic, originally presented by Radley Metzger, is sure to shock the senses.

《続悪徳医 女医篇》在哪里可看?

手机免费看《続悪徳医 女医篇》网址:www.361236.com,这个网站免费无广告。




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