



  • 片名:成人生活技能
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:朱迪·惠特克/爱德华·霍格/爱丽丝·洛维/布雷特·戈尔茨坦/Rachael Deering/洛琳·艾什本/伊莲恩·戴维斯/
  • 导演:瑞秋·汤纳德/
  • 年份:2016
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:喜剧/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2016-04-17
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-10-29 17:02
  • 简介:Anna is stuck she's approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum's garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumbs that bicker about things like whether Yogi Bear is a moral or existential nihilist. But Anna doesn't show these videos to anyone and no one knows what they are for. A week before her birthday her Mum serves her an ultimatum - she needs to move out of the shed, get a haircut that doesn't put her gender in question and stop dressing like a homeless teenager. Naturally, Anna tells her Mum to back the f-off. However, when her school friend comes to visit, Anna's self-imposed isolation becomes impossible to maintain. Soon she is entangled with a troubled eight year old boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her.
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演员:朱迪·惠特克,爱德华·霍格,爱丽丝·洛维,布雷特·戈尔茨坦,Rachael Deering,洛琳·艾什本,伊莲恩·戴维斯

更新时间:2023-10-29 17:02




Anna is stuck she's approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum's garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumbs that bicker about things like whether Yogi Bear is a moral or existential nihilist. But Anna doesn't show these videos to anyone and no one knows what they are for. A week before her birthday her Mum serves her an ultimatum - she needs to move out of the shed, get a haircut that doesn't put her gender in question and stop dressing like a homeless teenager. Naturally, Anna tells her Mum to back the f-off. However, when her school friend comes to visit, Anna's self-imposed isolation becomes impossible to maintain. Soon she is entangled with a troubled eight year old boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her.


《成人生活技能》是瑞秋·汤纳德于2016拍摄的一部经典电影。此片开创中国喜剧片当代电影的先河,《成人生活技能》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时朱迪·惠特克,爱德华·霍格,爱丽丝·洛维,布雷特·戈尔茨坦,Rachael Deering,洛琳·艾什本,伊莲恩·戴维斯均为最佳主角,朱迪·惠特克,爱德华·霍格,爱丽丝·洛维,布雷特·戈尔茨坦,Rachael Deering,洛琳·艾什本,伊莲恩·戴维斯以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在中国喜剧片影坛地位。朱迪·惠特克,爱德华·霍格,爱丽丝·洛维,布雷特·戈尔茨坦,Rachael Deering,洛琳·艾什本,伊莲恩·戴维斯饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。瑞秋·汤纳德之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《成人生活技能》却奠定瑞秋·汤纳德电影风格。《成人生活技能》首映时曾获海外喜剧片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀喜剧片齐名。



Anna is stuck she's approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum's garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumbs that bicker about things like whether Yogi Bear is a moral or existential nihilist. But Anna doesn't show these videos to anyone and no one knows what they are for. A week before her birthday her Mum serves her an ultimatum - she needs to move out of the shed, get a haircut that doesn't put her gender in question and stop dressing like a homeless teenager. Naturally, Anna tells her Mum to back the f-off. However, when her school friend comes to visit, Anna's self-imposed isolation becomes impossible to maintain. Soon she is entangled with a troubled eight year old boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her.


《成人生活技能》是一部喜剧片电影,由导演:瑞秋·汤纳德执导,主演:朱迪·惠特克,爱德华·霍格,爱丽丝·洛维,布雷特·戈尔茨坦,Rachael Deering,洛琳·艾什本,伊莲恩·戴维斯,

Anna is stuck she's approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum's garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumbs that bicker about things like whether Yogi Bear is a moral or existential nihilist. But Anna doesn't show these videos to anyone and no one knows what they are for. A week before her birthday her Mum serves her an ultimatum - she needs to move out of the shed, get a haircut that doesn't put her gender in question and stop dressing like a homeless teenager. Naturally, Anna tells her Mum to back the f-off. However, when her school friend comes to visit, Anna's self-imposed isolation becomes impossible to maintain. Soon she is entangled with a troubled eight year old boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her.






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